Legal and Guidelines
Terms and Conditions: Disclaimer
In this document, the “Website” means the I.R.I.A.E. website – International Research Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology – at http://www.iriae.com .
The access and the use of the Website are activities generally and broadly undergoing the present Terms and Conditions.
The access and the use of this website is offered as a free service to any user upon the acknowledgment and the acceptance of this Legal Page in all its parts.
Whatever interaction with the website itself is to be considered as explicit full acceptance of all the contents of this Page and consequent commitment to release and preserve the I.R.I.A.E from either any claim or pretense by any third part, directly or indirectly deriving from whatsoever improper or unlawful use of the Website. It is therefore advisable perusing what warned here below.
I.R.I.A.E. reserves the right to modify and/or update, in the whole or in some parts, this Legal Page at any time. Modifications and updates are to be considered as binding once updated on the Website, in place of the previous version.
The continued use of the Website shall be deemed to be your conclusive acceptance of any modified Terms and Conditions. If any future change is unacceptable to the User, the User should discontinue using the website. It is therefore advisable to periodically carefully read this page to verify the latest uploaded version.
Ownership, property on the website, right of contents, use limitations and Copyright
The intellectual property of the website is owned by I.R.I.A.E., main office in Via Mezzocannone 109 – 80134 Naples (Italy), C.F. 95173710633. I.R.I.A.E. is a Non Profit Organization which assumes the legal form of Research Institute.
All of the Website logos and distinctive patterns are the property of I.R.I.A.E. – unless otherwise stated - that is, in any case, an unauthorized use by a third party or any user is strictly forbidden without any previous written permission by the owners.
All the material published on this Website is protected by the intellectual property right, in conformity to the applicable law, concerning the copyright.
All the documents, images, fonts, the graphic design, the software and all the other contents of the Website, including all the codes and the script formats within the Website are the property of I.R.I.A.E., that is of a third party, and so protected by the respective applicable law.
Unless otherwise stated, information on this website may be freely downloaded and printed out without restriction for private research and other non-commercial purposes, and may be quoted to a reasonable extent in other works provided the source of the quotation is fully acknowledged. Any other use of content from this website (including repackaging, distribution, issuing copies to the public, communication to the public, performance, adaptation, sale, rental or lending of content, appropriation, reproducing, republish) - in the whole or in some parts and by any tools - without the prior written permission of IRIAE and/or owner of copyright and right of use is expressly prohibited, except as permitted by Italian copyright law.
It is to be also clarified that no section of the I.R.I.A.E. Website - images included, can be reproduced or copied upon prior written agreement by its Executive Board, that is, its person in charge, Marco Merola.
I.R.I.A.E. makes no representations about the suitability of the information and services contained on - or accessed via - the Website for any purpose and doesn’t take charge of any liability as for any possible inaccuracy, mistake and omission in contents published on the Website. In any case and at any time, I.R.I.A.E. reserves the right to intervene correcting, modifying and improving the Website.
Information, news, dates etc on the website are published upon no either explicit or implicit guarantee.
Neither I.R.I.A.E. nor the curator of this website shall be considered as liable for any damages (whether indirect, incidental, special, consequential or otherwise) arising out of, or in any way connected with, the use of the present Website and by any other website connected to it by hyperlinks including, with no limitation, damages such as the loss of earnings or profit, the interruption of business or professional activity, the loss of programs or data saved in the computer system of the User connecting to any correlated website or to any other system, even if I.R.I.A.E. and the curator of this Website have been explicitly advised of the possibility of damages.
I.R.I.A.E. and the curator of the website, although incessantly working and making any reasonable effort to give the most accurate and punctual service ever, are not liable for any mistake within any piece, drawing, photo, newsletter, informative email, HTML page and news. Moreover I.R.I.A.E. and the curator of the Website aren’t liable for any sudden change within the schedule of events advertised and within contents published on the present Website.
Links to third parties websites
The Website may contain hyperlinks to websites – managed by a third party, operated by I.R.I.A.E. - upon no control on information and eventually offered products or services, nor control on policy shared by these websites, nor any verification on their conformity to the applicable legislation. Therefore, I.R.I.A.E. is not liable for both content and management of third parties websites, in detail, as for IT security: for this purpose, users are compelled to protect his device by proper anti-virus programs, besides becoming well acknowledged about policies in the matter.
Moreover, each linked website undergoes a proper privacy policy - different and separated by the one shared by I.R.I.A.E. – and towards which I.R.I.A.E. makes no verification. Users are so asked to cautiously read the privacy policy external websites adhere to.
IRIAE reserves the right to remove any hyperlink at any time and without notice and shall not be obliged to give a reason for doing so.
Safety of data transmission by the Internet
The users acknowledge that data transmission by the Internet can never reach absolute security levels. IRIAE is not responsible in any way whatsoever for the content of any site accessed using the Website, nor can it warrant that use of the Website will be free from virus contamination and the User should take adequate steps to ensure that User virus check regularly when using the Website on any device. I.R.I.A.E. indeed, cannot be considered as compelled to any other service, apart from the punctual and correct application of security standards imposed by the law, in detail by the application of security principles outlined within the articles 33 and ss. D. Lgs. June, 30th 2003, n. 196 – Code of laws for personal information protection.
User’s/User’s obligations and responsibility
The User accessing the Website is required not to use the website for any improper and/or unlawful use and, in detail the User is required:
To use the contents just for lawful purposes;
Not to use any file or tool potentially infected by some virus, of unsure origin, or any file which could eventually lead to harm (just to give some example: virus, spyware, malicious code, trojan horse, etc.) to the website;
Not to do any action which could damage, deactivate, overload or compromise the perfect functionality of the Website, or even interfere with the use by any third party.
You may not use or link to the Website in a manner which suggests an association with the Website or IRIAE itself, without any IRIAE’s prior written consent.
I.R.I.A.E.’s obligation and responsibility
As far as I.R.I.A.E. is concerned, it highlights:
IRIAE makes every effort to check the accuracy of information published on the Website. User should note however that IRIAE does not give any warranty that any information will be accurate or up-to-date and in particular, and without limitation to the rest of this agreement, IRIAE is not able to guarantee that its service will continue or be accurate during time of server failure.
It declines any liability for any consequence towards Users or Third party, aroused out by possible malfunctioning of the Website. It also declines any liability for any kind of damage users should ever incur in - malfunctioning, damage, functioning and availability of the Website;
It is no way liable for contents uploaded by other users and it is not compelled to verify and monitor them;
Here stated limitation and exclusion of liability concerning the IRIAE are in conformity with the National Law.
The user of the Website declares that the whole content of the conditions here warned has been acknowledged and accepted, subscribing it upon careful examination and total acceptance.
For any further legal clarification or for any other information concerning the use of this Website, it is possible to contact the curator at the email address:
Articles of Incorporation and Manifest of IRIAE
The International Research Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology has signed its Articles of Incorporation - in which its principles, its management and its rules regulating all activities of its are listed.
Furthermore, it has created a Manifest – explaining its activities and its proposed projects. This one, whenever necessary, can be modified year by year.
International law and legislation.
IRIAE, as International Institute is committed to act within the law and the legislation concerning Cultural Heritage, effective in Countries the Institute operates in.
This granted, IRIAE supports, sustains and signs the UNESCO Convention concerning the Safeguard of the Natural and Cultural Heritage.
It also adheres to the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention.
Concerning the Underwater Cultural Heritage and underwater archaeology, IRIAE shares and adheres to the Convention for the Safeguard of the Underwater Heritage, signed in 2011.
In detail, the Institute is committed:
In the respect of fundamental principles of the Safeguard of both soil and underwater Cultural Heritage.
In the promotion of the cooperation among Countries as for Research purposes and fot the safeguard of the above-mentioned Heritage.
In the respect of the legislation signed by the Countries signing the Convention concerning the treatment and the study of both soil and underwater Cultural Heritage.
Safeguard of the role of archaeologist.
IRIAE is committed to support, promote and preserve the professional role of archaeologist all over the world, besides his professional dignity, preserving his rights and guaranteeing his duties.
Furthermore, IRIAE has also signed the Deontological Code sponsored by EEA (European Association of Archaeologists).
Italian legislation
Since presently IRIAE has its main office in Italy, in this paragraph it is underlined IRIAE adheres to the National legislation presently in force the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Activities adheres to.
Furthermore, IRIAE supports and subscribes Deontological Codes National Trade Associations adhere to: